Sun on the Rocks
Ian Fleming
Sun on the Rocks
Oil on Canvas
Framed in Tasmanian Blackwood Float
53 x 53 cm
Ian Fleming
Sun on the Rocks
Oil on Canvas
Framed in Tasmanian Blackwood Float
53 x 53 cm
Ian Fleming
Sun on the Rocks
Oil on Canvas
Framed in Tasmanian Blackwood Float
53 x 53 cm
“Another view in our garden – this time on a sunny day. Growing up, a key feature of the front garden was the large piles or rocks.
While studying are at ANU, very few of my paintings had been landscapes and I felt this was a gap I set about rectifying once I finished. I had This was one of my earlier post-university oils and I didn’t initially like it. Apart from have a warm sunny tone, which I generally avoid in my landscapes, I felt the composition was too complicated and didn’t draw the eye to any to any obvious key element. I have subsequently come to enjoy its eclectic nature and this, for all its idiosyncrasies is one of my favourite early paintings.”